Francisco López
Computer Scientist from the Universidad Central de Venezuela. Linux lover, having fun making good code. In constant search of the ultimate solution of a common problem. Full Stack Web Developer focused on the MEAN stack. Node.js with Angular are powerfull weapons for every solution. Also I have experience with Python in backend with Django, PostgreSQL and full JavaScript for the front. Enjoy making dashboards and single page apps. JavaScript is awesome!. I'm a Data scientist in progress, with experience in hadoop platform and all the technologies involved with the HortonWorks stack, specialized in data adquisition, processing/transform/modeling and finally visualization of the data. Knowledge in math models and algorithms for machine learning and data analysis in Python, R and Scala.
Technology Stack
Recent Work
Angular Attack 2016!
Angular Attack is an online hackathon. Teams of up to 4 people compete over a 48 hour period to build the best app they can, using Angular JS. After you submit the app, it'll be critiqued by one of our expert judges. Our team finish in 36th position of more than 3000 teams around the world.
Avisare is a platform powering the small business economy. Builded over the latest Javascript technologies.
Cold Chain Dashboard
Dashboard for monitoring mobile assets in the cold chain supply.
Human Resources Performance Evaluation System
Web application made in Django with PostgreSQL for monitoring and analysis of the process of performance evaluation from HR in a tech company.